Course Curriculum

Week 1
Intro to Course B 2022 00:00:00
‘Ready to provide security for the elections’ 00:00:00
Formative Task 1, Translation 1 00:00:00
Week 2
Problema politizasaun setór seguransa 00:00:00
Grupu Arte Rituais “77” 00:00:00
Week 3
Portuguese in the elections 00:00:00
Rezultadu eleisaun prezidensiál nian 00:00:00
Formative Task 2: Presentation Prep 00:00:00
Week 4
‘Baku fila’ & election campaign songs 00:00:00
Revision: Politics, security, and the elections 00:00:00
Formative Task 3, Translation 2 00:00:00
Week 5
Public health situation in Timor 00:00:00
Health & hygiene messages 00:00:00
Week 6
Problema Denge 00:00:00
Week 7
Revision: Public health & the pandemic 00:00:00
Week 8
Formative Task 4, Listening 1 00:00:00
Transport and infrastructure in Timor 00:00:00
Week 9
Kondisaun estrada Likarapoma 00:00:00
Week 10
Indústria turizmu Timor nian 00:00:00
Week 11
Juventude ba setór agrikultura 00:00:00
Week 12
Kona-ba Munisípiu Lautein 00:00:00
Week 13
Relasaun jéneru iha Timor-Leste 00:00:00
  • 4 months
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